The Fill Data dialog box enables you to add, modify, delete records in the tables of your Data Base.

Note that before you can modify a table you must first open it for editing.

In the Data Base tab of the Properties dialog box, select the table, and click Open.
Only open tables are displayed in the dialog.
Each table is represented by a separate tab.

You can view and modify all fields of a table in a current tab. To navigate through the records, use the arrow buttons above. To add or remove a record, use the Plus and Minus buttons.

If a field is associated with a resource type(s), you can select it from site resources in the Choose Resource dialog box. If a field is associated with an image resource type, you can also select an image from a library, enter a custom URL, import it from your disk, or create (and edit later with the Graphic Editor).

You can fill the entire database (all the tables) at once clicking the Import From... button and choosing a new database file from a disk.